September 2, 2024 | Posted in Uncategorized
When Sid and Matt 2.0 drew out winning ticket number 126183, and the name “Scott Chadwick” appeared, Sid instantly went on a little trip down memory lane, as this was Scott’s second big win with All Star Prizes!!
When the boys gave Scott a call, he had no clue what draws he had even bought tickets on, so the call was a complete surprise, and so was what Matt 2.0 was about to tell him…that he’d just won a 2023 Cupra Formentor or £20,000 in Cash.
After a few swear words, Scott went really quiet and told Matt and Sid “I don’t even know what to say!, I was buzzing winning the Sur Ron and never thought I could win any bigger than that.”
Scott had bought 25 tickets for £23.96, and talk immediately turned to what prize he was going to take. He also mentioned that luck was definitely running in his circle of friends, as he was actually mates with the last big winner Ashley Jordan, who scooped £25,000 just two weeks before!
Scott eventually decided that the cash was the best option and when Sid and Liam went to meet Scott with his giant cheque, he said he had already spent the money in his head 3 times over!
From all the team at All Star Prizes, thank you for continuing to play All Star Prizes and have fun spending your £20,000!
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