September 25, 2024 | Posted in Behind The Scenes Winner Prize Delivery
When Matt and Sid span the number generator to reveal ticket number 96535, and Chad Sheppeck’s name appeared by the winning number, the lads immediately did not recognise it, and they were right to, this was Chad’s first ever win, and had only been playing All Star Prizes for a matter of months!
The boys tried, and tried, and tried some more to get in touch with Chad but to no avail. Sid turned Facebook detective during the live draw, and went on to discover that Chad was (allegedly 😂) a 24 hour plumber!
After an agonising 10 minutes of searching and missed calls the lads eventually got through to Chad and delivered the news that he was the next big winner and he now had the difficult choice to make between a brand new 2024 Volkswagen Tiguan or £28,000 in cash!
Matt and Sid had learned through their investigations that Chad had been the victim of a cruel burglary where his work van was broken into and his tools stolen. Chad said it was a particularly difficult time as he was in the process of renovating his house and the theft had set his family home project back.
When asked about the car Chad revealed that he already had a fairly new car sat on his driveway…a Volkswagen Tiguan!! 😂
With that in mind, and his ongoing house renovation, Chad wisely opted for the £28,000 cash alternative which he said would fully complete his project and give him and his family the home they have always dreamed of, as well as having some cash left over for a well-deserved family holiday.
From the entire team at All Star Prizes we wish you the very best for the future, and enjoy spending every penny of that £28,000 ❤️
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