Joanne Bown Wins First Ever 5p Competition!

Joanne Bown made All Star Prizes history on Wednesday 22nd January, by becoming the winner of the first ever 5p competition!

Before the draw Matt 2.0 and Sid were discussing the potential winner of the competition having a decent amount of tickets, unlike many of our one-ticket winners, as this had been the lowest entry price competition we had ever run, at just 5 pence, and it had proved very, very popular, selling out a solid 3 days before draw day.

Draw night had all the usual Wednesday night prizes, and came to a dramatic climax when it came to drawing the winner of the 5p competition, and it was revealed that our first winner was Joanne Bown from Hartlepool. Matt 2.0 tried ringing and texting Joanne, but she had presumed it was a prank call and actually blocked his number 😂

After trying Joanne on a few different numbers the lads eventually got through to deliver Joanne the wonderful news that she was the big winner of the night and now had a massive choice to make…a £5k Jet2 Holiday or £5k in cash!!

After revealing that she didnt infact own a passport Joanne decided on the cash pretty quickly. What made the win even sweeter for Joanne was the fact that she had won this prize off the back of spending a miniscule £0.64p! That equates to an absolutely insane return of 7,812 times what she spent!

Matt 2.0 and the lesser spotted Clare went to meet Joanne the next day at her home in Hartlepool, to get her paid and deliver her cheque, and Joanne was still in disbelief. She had just started decorating her house and said the £5,000 cash would certainly make decorating her house a whole lot easier!

From all the Team at All Star Prizes we wish Joanne the very best for the future and hope to be travelling North again soon to visit more winners from Hartlepool ❤️

Danielle Brown wins £10,000 High Roller Competition

The First High Roller Competition Winner Danielle Brown even admitted she was unsure of whether to enter the new competition, which is priced at £10.00 per ticket, but said the incredibly low odds of 1 in 2000 per ticket purchased was enough to sway her towards buying a ticket, which proved to be a very wise investment as she scooped the £10,000 for just a £10.00 entry!

On Wednesday night she had been sat watching the draw patiently waiting, as she had a ticket on the Dyson Airstrait as well as the High Roller. With no luck on the Dyson Airstrait competition, she was then flabbergasted to hear Matt 2.0 and Sid call her name out on the final draw of the night and confirm that she was now £10,000 richer!

The next day both the Matt’s went to Danielle’s house and presented her with a cheque for £10,000…something that she said still hadn’t quite sunk in. Danielle said her family were looking to move house and had already arranged viewings for later in the week, and that with £10,000 extra to play with, her house move was just made a lot easier!

From all the team at All Star Prizes, we would like to wish Danielle and her family the very best for the future and hope the move goes smoothly ❤️

Arron Roberts Wins Life Changing £100,000

Wednesday 18th December 2024 will be a day etched in All Star Prizes history, as we made our biggest winner EVER, when Arron Roberts won an astonishing £100,000 with ticket 71138.

Arron was a long standing member of the All Star Family, and had been playing from the very early days of All Star Prizes, with a few small wins here and there throughout his time playing, but nothing would ever eclipse the win he bagged this time!

When the boys called him up, his wife Meg answered the phone and told the lads that he wasn’t watching the live draw as he was in bed not feeling very well. Meg instantly ran upstairs as the lads told her he really needed to take this phone call!!

Once on the phone Arron immediately knew why the boys were ringing and was in a state of disbelief, with wife Meg audibly bursting into tears at the news that they were now £100,000 better off.

The lads carried on with the draw and went live from Arron and Megs house later that night, where the winning couple revealed that they had been saving for years to try and buy a house, as they wanted to move somewhere quieter.

Speaking of his new found fortune Arron Roberts said “This £100k is now us moving off this estate and buying our very own home. We honestly cant believe it, its going to change our lives forever”

The day after the draw the lucky couple were taken out for a champagne lunch at Deer Park Bistro in Leeds and along with the All Star Team, enjoyed raising a glass to their amazing, life-changing win.

On behalf of the team at All Star Prizes, we wish Arron and Meg all the very best for the future and we hope their new home is everything they ever dreamed of ❤️

Dom Kear wins Mercedes CLA200 AMG or £28,000

74228…5 numbers that Dom Kear will remember for the rest of his life!! When the sold-out Mercedes CLA 200 AMG Shooting Brake Night Edition (what a mouthful 😂) was drawn, the tension was high, and the boys were playing their usual stupid guessing games as to whether the winner was going to be male or female. Once again 2.0 was wrong, as Matt and Sid correctly guessed that for the second time in a row, a male was the winner of the car or cash alternative, and this time it was Dom Kear of Castleford who’s turn it was to have his life changed by All Star Prizes. Dom was debating whether or not to answer the phone as he first thought it was a work colleague calling to get him to cover a shift! 😂

Dom had just 26 tickets on the draw meaning he had secured that huge win for just £24.98. When the boys gave Dom a call, he instantly recognised Matt’s dulcet tones, and the excitement in his voice was plain for all to see, as Matt began probing to see if he had won with All Star before, Dom revealed that he wasn’t watching the live draw, despite usually tuning in religiously every Wednesday night. As Matt broke the news to Dom that he had won the nights main prize he loudly exclaimed “F**K OFF!!!” in disbelief!

When asked about the big choice (Cash or Car) Dom said he would be taking the cash, due to having a 2024 plate car already. Dom said he had been playing All Star for 18 months, and that his recent windfall had absolutely changed his life! Dom planned on paying off some of his mortgage, booking a nice holiday, and in his words “just enjoying the rest!”

From all the team at All Star Prizes, enjoy your holiday, and enjoy spending your new found fortune! ❤️

Mary Wallace wins £1k a Month For a Year!

When Mary Wallace’s name came up next to the winning ticket on the £1,000 a month for a year draw, the boys memories seemed to jog, and when they twigged, they couldn’t believe that they’d actually spoke to Mary less than a week earlier, at her workplace at Costco Leeds!

The last time Mary saw the All Star Team, they were at the checkout in Costco, buying prizes for the All Star Prizes Supercar Family Fun Day, and Mary was serving up some of her fiery Scottish banter, ironically, stating that she didn’t want to serve the lads as she hadn’t won anything for ages!! 😂

Mary was in a state of disbelief when the guys called her to deliver the news, and she stated that Costco might be a lucky place to work, as there had been a recent swathe of winners who all worked at Leeds Costco, and now Mary’s name would be the latest name on the list of lucky winners.

Opting to take the £1k a month rather than the one-off payment Mary said “This money will make things so much easier, I can spend that little bit more on myself and the kids and not have to worry”

Mary had a family trip back to her native Scotland planned with her kids and grandchildren and said that her first payment would likely be spent within the first few days!

We would like to wish Mary all the very best for coming year and hope she makes some amazing memories with her extra income ❤️

Chad Sheppeck wins 2024 Volkwagen Tiguan or £28,000

When Matt and Sid span the number generator to reveal ticket number 96535, and Chad Sheppeck’s name appeared by the winning number, the lads immediately did not recognise it, and they were right to, this was Chad’s first ever win, and had only been playing All Star Prizes for a matter of months!

The boys tried, and tried, and tried some more to get in touch with Chad but to no avail. Sid turned Facebook detective during the live draw, and went on to discover that Chad was (allegedly 😂) a 24 hour plumber!

After an agonising 10 minutes of searching and missed calls the lads eventually got through to Chad and delivered the news that he was the next big winner and he now had the difficult choice to make between a brand new 2024 Volkswagen Tiguan or £28,000 in cash!

Matt and Sid had learned through their investigations that Chad had been the victim of a cruel burglary where his work van was broken into and his tools stolen. Chad said it was a particularly difficult time as he was in the process of renovating his house and the theft had set his family home project back.

When asked about the car Chad revealed that he already had a fairly new car sat on his driveway…a Volkswagen Tiguan!! 😂

With that in mind, and his ongoing house renovation, Chad wisely opted for the £28,000 cash alternative which he said would fully complete his project and give him and his family the home they have always dreamed of, as well as having some cash left over for a well-deserved family holiday.

From the entire team at All Star Prizes we wish you the very best for the future, and enjoy spending every penny of that £28,000 ❤️

Scott Chadwick wins 2023 Cupra Formentor OR £20,000

When Sid and Matt 2.0 drew out winning ticket number 126183, and the name “Scott Chadwick” appeared, Sid instantly went on a little trip down memory lane, as this was Scott’s second big win with All Star Prizes!!

When the boys gave Scott a call, he had no clue what draws he had even bought tickets on, so the call was a complete surprise, and so was what Matt 2.0 was about to tell him…that he’d just won a 2023 Cupra Formentor or £20,000 in Cash.

After a few swear words, Scott went really quiet and told Matt and Sid “I don’t even know what to say!, I was buzzing winning the Sur Ron and never thought I could win any bigger than that.”

Scott had bought 25 tickets for £23.96, and talk immediately turned to what prize he was going to take. He also mentioned that luck was definitely running in his circle of friends, as he was actually mates with the last big winner Ashley Jordan, who scooped £25,000 just two weeks before!

Scott eventually decided that the cash was the best option and when Sid and Liam went to meet Scott with his giant cheque, he said he had already spent the money in his head 3 times over!

From all the team at All Star Prizes, thank you for continuing to play All Star Prizes and have fun spending your £20,000!

Ashley Jordan wins £25,000 Super Mario Cash Competition

On Wednesday 14th August, the two Matts called Ashley Jordan to deliver the life changing news, that he had won the end prize in the Super Mario Competition, and was about to be £25,000 better off, and Ashley couldn’t quite believe it.

Having returned home from work Ashley was enjoying a nice hot bubble bath when the lads called him, and Matt even made Ashley splash around in the water to prove he was in the bath, soaking his bathroom in the process 😂

When the lads made the short trip from All Star HQ to Ashley’s house the next day, his whole family including his Mum and Children were all waiting to congratulate Ashley on his mega win.

Holding his giant cheque Ashley told the lads of the heart-warming decision he had made…to pay his mums mortgage off 🥲🥲

As well as that amazing gesture for his Mum, he had also paid the finance off his car, and planned to treat his kids with whatever was left over.

Ashley said he had bought a small amount of tickets, and won a £25 instant, which he put straight back on to the competition, and that’s where his winning ticket had come from.

“It just takes one ticket to win…I’m absolutely buzzing. Get on to All Star Prizes for your wins!”

From the entire team at All Star Prizes, congratulations Ashley and enjoy your win!

Angela Barker wins Mitsubishi Evolution X OR £15,000

On a Sunny Saturday in July at 3pm Live from TunerFest North at Oulton Park Circuit called Angela Barker of Bradford to deliver the life-changing news that she had won the Mitsubishi Evolution X FQ-330 or £15,000 in Cash!

A large crowd circled the All Star Prizes Stand at the Traders Village at Oulton Park Circuit, with many of the race-goers spotting the stunning Mitsubishi Evo glistening in the Summer sun earlier in the day and grabbing their £0.49p tickets. At 3pm the time had come and a very nervous Matt began conducting the first ever draw in front of a live audience.

The first ticket drawn was unfortunately an unsold ticket, and amid groans from the crowd, everyone realised they had a second chance to win this absolutely unreal prize! When the screen on stand lit up with ticket number 90606 with Angela’s name aside it, there was an even bigger groan from the front of the crowd, as Karl Russell, who had signed up at the event and bought tickets was one number away!

When the boys called Angela and husband Kevin, both were in disbelief at what they were hearing. Kevin instantly said he wanted the car until wife Angela reminded him sternly “who bought the ticket? You or Me?” 😂

After taking a few days to weigh up their options The Barkers opted for the £15,000 Cash Alternative, and have said they intend on putting their recent windfall towards a Motorhome, although Angela did say a bit of their windfall might be earmarked for more tickets on All Star Prizes! When Sid & Liam went to visit the Barkers in Bradford, Kevin said if he had been 50 years younger he would of taken the car and had good fun causing chaos on the streets 😂

Whatever they decide to spend the money on, all the Team at All Star Prizes wishes Angela and Kevin all the best for the future ❤️⭐

All Star Prizes @ TunerFest North 2024

The All Star Prizes Team headed off to this years instalment of TunerFest North at Oulton Park Circuit on Saturday 20th July, where we ticked off another big milestone in All Star Prizes’ history…the very FIRST outside Live Draw!

The team enjoyed meeting lots of new players and their families, whilst showing off the Mitsubishi Evo X, which would be drawn later that day. The Stop The Button game proved a massive hit, with thousands of spectators (and the All Star Prizes team and their families) trying to stop the button at 00.10.00 on the nose…only 4 people throughout the day managed to accomplish the feat and walked away with a £15 Amazon Gift Card each and tickets to the next TunerFest event!

At 3pm a huge crowd gathered to watch the Live Draw, in which Angela Barker of Bradford was the lucky winner of the Mitsubishi Evo X FQ-330 or £15,000 Cash! On the call, Angela and Husband Kevin couldn’t agree on what to take, with Revvin’ Kevin keen to take the Evo and Wife Angela leaning towards the whopping £15,000 Cash…stay tuned to the blog to see what they end up taking!

The team really enjoyed spending the day at Oulton Park, taking in some of the great racing action on offer, and cant wait to organise future events together with the team at TunerFest.

Declan Foster Wins Audi A3 OR £6,000 For FREE!

When Declan Foster from Huddersfield bought himself a handful of tickets on the BMW M3 Competition Draw, he didn’t realise that he’d end up scooping £6,000 in tax free cash completely free of charge!

To further sweeten an already bumper competition, Matt and Sid threw a gorgeous Audi A3 S Line in the mix, for 7 days only, and any tickets bought on the BMW in that 7 day period would land you a FREE ticket to be entered in with a chance of winning the stunning Audi or £6,000 in cash!

When Matt 2.0 and Sid called Declan to tell him he was the lucky winner, he could not believe what he was hearing! As a DJ, and with the majority of students having left for summer, he was venturing off abroad to work for the summer and was worried about having enough money to survive whilst resort hopping across Zante, Ibiza and Magaluf this summer.

With a heavily modified Seat Leon FR already on the driveway, and an impending European DJ adventure looming, Declan sensibly opted to take the £6,000 and he said he could now breathe easy until the student nightlife scene kicked back off in September, but he did say he’d treated his mum to £1,000 of his winnings…Mum Brownie Points earned BIG STYLE 😊❤️

Well done to Declan on his win from all the Team at All Star Prizes, we hope you enjoy your Summer-long party!!

Wanted an iPhone…Won a Motorhome!

Josh Atkinson and his partner, both of Wakefield, had been playing All Star Prizes for a few months and had experienced something of a lucky streak! His partner had won a £5,000 instant win a month previous and then a PS5 a couple of weeks later.

Spotting an iPhone 15 Pro Max in the instant wins on the Motorhome competition, and needing a new phone, Josh went hunting! Buying a few tickets at a time over a period of 2 weeks, Josh’s quest for a win was unfortunately fruitless…Until Matt 2.0 and Sid called Josh on Wednesday night to deliver the news that he was the lucky winner of a Brand New 2024 Plate Motorhome!

Josh had said he’d given up buying a few times, thinking that elusive big win was never going to happen to him, but admits he’s happy All Star Prizes have proved him wrong! The team went down to Josh’s workplace in Ossett to deliver his prize, with all his colleagues and his mum and dad watching on and cheering as he sprayed the bubbly!

Enjoy your Motorhome Josh and congratulations from all the team at All Star Prizes

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