July 23, 2024 | Posted in Behind The Scenes Winner
The All Star Prizes Team headed off to this years instalment of TunerFest North at Oulton Park Circuit on Saturday 20th July, where we ticked off another big milestone in All Star Prizes’ history…the very FIRST outside Live Draw!
The team enjoyed meeting lots of new players and their families, whilst showing off the Mitsubishi Evo X, which would be drawn later that day. The Stop The Button game proved a massive hit, with thousands of spectators (and the All Star Prizes team and their families) trying to stop the button at 00.10.00 on the nose…only 4 people throughout the day managed to accomplish the feat and walked away with a £15 Amazon Gift Card each and tickets to the next TunerFest event!
At 3pm a huge crowd gathered to watch the Live Draw, in which Angela Barker of Bradford was the lucky winner of the Mitsubishi Evo X FQ-330 or £15,000 Cash! On the call, Angela and Husband Kevin couldn’t agree on what to take, with Revvin’ Kevin keen to take the Evo and Wife Angela leaning towards the whopping £15,000 Cash…stay tuned to the blog to see what they end up taking!
The team really enjoyed spending the day at Oulton Park, taking in some of the great racing action on offer, and cant wait to organise future events together with the team at TunerFest.
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