May 11, 2024
On Friday 11th May, the All Star team went down to Pinderfields Hospital to deliver the iPads that were purchased after the iPad Charity Draw.
In total, 7 iPads were donated to two Children’s Wards, Ward 46 (Children’s Inpatient Ward) and Ward 46B (Children’s Burns Unit).
The team met with Jo and Dawn, who are the Wards’ Play Co-ordinators. These two diamonds are responsible for keeping the children entertained whilst they are on the ward, and naturally, they said tech is always a great way to keep the kids occupied! After the recent theft of one of the X-Boxes on the ward, the ladies told the team that it was becoming more and more difficult to get all the kids a fair amount of time each with the devices, so these 7 iPads were heaven sent!
After a lot of chit-chatting, the Boys also learned that the Ward often struggled to keep the iPads in working order, as unfortunately they would be broken easily with accidental drops and bangs. As a further gesture of good-will Matt and Sid purchased a durable, drop-proof cover for each iPad, ensuring they would last as long as possible and help the many hundreds of children that would call the Ward home at some point.
Ward 46B in particular held a special place in Matt’s heart, as this was where his son Harrison, was treated after an accident in 2019. The ward staff were pleased to see Matt, some even recognising him from both his time spent on the ward, and others, naturally, as members of the All Star Family! Matt expressed his personal gratitude for all they did for Harrison and his Family during their time in the Burns Unit.
The team are looking forward to working with the Children’s Wards at Pinderfields Hospital in the future.
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